Wednesday, June 13, 2012

View from my room at 7-ish this morning

Wow, record - 7.05 am in the office!  Weird sangat, tiba-tiba rasa mengantuk.  Haish, tak boleh jadi nih.  Takkan nak masuk tidur dalam bilik solat pulak.   After more than 1/2 hour dok ber-debate nak tidor ke tidak, aku putuskan.. oh, tidak!  That would spoil my morning.  Hence am trying to post some simple non-thinking post to start the day before I start work.  Pasal work tak payah elaborate - same things different day.  

Syukur alhamdulillah, dah jadi routine aku and adik to wake up as early as 4.20 am.  Sebenarnya plan to bangun at 4.00, tapi normal la bila alarm bunyi - macam2 excuse.  Our standard conversation pagi2 bila adik kejut :

Adik:   Ma, dah 4 o'clock
Aku:    Jap, give me five minutes

Ha, selalunya akan terlajak more than 5 minutes.  Tu yang kadang2 jadi 4.20, kadang-kadang 4.30.  Bila aku yang kejut adik, excuse dia pun sama gak.  Anyway, syukur sangat-sangat aku dapat train adik untuk bangun sama-sama beribadat, then dia boleh study before getting ready for school.  Adik, mudah2an kekal routine sebegini walaupun mummy dah not with you anymore.  Wah... emotional kot!

We both tak bercakap langsung dengan Fatso today.  Sebabnya?  Entah lah, bangun awal - aku sempat breakfast lagi.  Cuma tak larat kot pagi2 nak berbahasa kucing.  Fatso pun dok diam je atas meja amidst adik's bags and books.  Dia angau kot.  Haish!  Orang lain sebenarnya.

Fatso macam dah boleh hafal our routine by now

6.22 am - dia baru nak cari her breakfast 

Ok, aku nak start kerja dah.  Where and what to start belum fikir lagi.  Nak pi pantry buat milo panas dulu lah ...

"Once in a while in an ordinary life - love gives us a fairy tale"


  1. Quote tu mesti sebab that night kan. Heh

    1. Yes, one of those. Told her that quotes highlighted in green would meant for both of you. Appreciate and cherish the good memories. You take care.
