Thursday, June 21, 2012

1 Syaaban 1433 ....

7.38 am.  In the office.  Today dah Thursday, aku kena clear all work before weekend.  Kena, kena, tak leh alasan2 lagi.  Some new hire profile form aku kena prepare and submit - dah dua hari tertangguh sebab tak cukup info.  Haishhh... tak leh nak blame sapa2 - it's my fault sebab tak follow up.  Kena re-program my timeline nih.  Dah a little bit haywire...

Anyway, syukur alhamdulillah - it is a bright day today, literally bright.  Thanks to that someone. So somebody's mood pun up sikit and a nice feeling to start the day.  Our morning routine starts as per normal. The biological clock woke me up at 4.00 but the biological lullaby says - 5 minutes, 5 minutes.  So singing together with the biological lullaby, aku pejam mata sat sampai pukul 4.30.  Cepat2 bangun sebab teringat nak puasa.  Kejut adik, did our normals, then aku turun for my sahur (pelik kata sahur - aku kata soq sebab aku orang Kedah).  My soq consists of a glass of air zamzam, a small bowl of oats, a glass of warm water.  Eh, tak lupa all my supplements for the day.  Adik punya is normally air zamzam and whatever she wants to take.  Oats dia tak mau - dia kata her tummy nanti upset.  And also her supplements which aku paksa dia ambik. Rasa sungguh tenang dapat duduk berzikir sementara tunggu subuh and finishing off my quran reading.  3 more juzuk and hopefully boleh habis before Ramadhan.  So Ramadhan aku boleh start new with the girls.  Dah janji dah, hopefully we can make that happen - insyaAllah.  

1 Syaaban hari ni.  Selamat berpuasa pada yang berpuasa sunat and mudah-mudahan rahmat Allah swt sentiasa bersama kita.  Cepat sungguh masa berlalu.  Makin dekat rasanya langkah menuju kepadaNya.  

enough to cheer up someone's day
Cakap pasal masa - ada orang tu suka masa pantas berlalu and is looking forward.  I know why and what is it ... I wish you both the best and may Allah bless you with this dream and make it real.  Always keep your promises and kena doa banyak-banyak.  

Syukur alhamdulillah for another day of our life...

"Never shed tears because the sun has set, for you will not be able to see the stars" 

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