Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fatso is back .... again

Assalamualaikum wbt.  Syukur alhamdulillah for another day of our life........

Yes, you read it right...again.  Fatso is back....again.  Came home last night when we were all sitting happily depan TV.  Adik was on the phone, me and kakak was still finding the best place and position to lepak.  When we came back and see that the food yang aku letak kat balcony dah tinggal 1/4, maknanya Fatso ada la balik.  Tak hilang la pun...  Tiba2 we heard some bunyi and there Fatso walking in .... buat grand entrance pulak tu!  Haishhh.. Fatso ni, aku baru bercita-cita nak ambik kucing lain kat rumah my MIL.  Adik and kakak mesti kata - "ish, mummy ni, tak baik tau, keji".  En. hubby lagi la marah - dia siap suruh aku buat flyer letak kat guard  station depan block.  Haishhh... aku lagi!  Kalau nak aku buat jugak aku akan tulis macam ni "Missing Cat - Fatso.  If found please keep and feed.  Fatso eats a lot.  Come to B002 to collect Fatso's food and litter box"  Mesti mengamuk en. hubby.  Ni bukan kena 'machine gun' lagi, kena C4 kot! dare he pilih Fatso over me!  Anyway, Fatso is back for now -slept the whole night.  Letih sebab keluar ber-rendevous semalam.  And we all lived happily ever after - for now....  Dah, dah jangan hilang lagi.  Tak larat nak tulih.

Ok, back to kehidupan aku.  Macam biasa bangun pukul 4.30.  Adik pun dah bangun. Tapi pelik la sangat ...aku jadi sungguh letih and mengantuk.  Paksa diri bangun, mandi, and solat.  Zikir pun tak leh pejam mata sebab rasa nak terlelap.  5.35 aku turun breakfast (my usual oats/air zamzam).  Adik in her room preparing for subuh.  Selalunya aku akan tanya kalau dia dah jadi 'alarm clock' tapi pagi ni aku tak tanya sebab aku guarantee dia dah buat.  Adik ni jenis committed, the reason why aku tak worry sangat.  Kakak minggu ni aku bagi cuti, minggu depan tak leh dah.  Bangun malam ni kena istiqamah.  Tak boleh suka2 bila nak buat.  Even if tak boleh solat, kena jugak bangun berzikir  and then boleh study.  

7.45 baru masuk office.  Lewat sebab singgah beli karipap kat makcik kueh.  Ni lunch aku nih.  Aku memang tak keluar lunch. I will only have hot milo and mungkin petang some oats kalau lapar.  Tapi dinner time is the best sebab dapat makan se-family, walaupun tapau food and makan depan tv.  Panjang pulak cerita - padahal nak bagitau reason aku lewat ja.  

Need to clear many things today.  Boss is travelling  to Calgary naik private jet in a while.  Travel summary completed yesterday.  Got to see other things I may have missed.  He'll be gone till Friday.  Horrey... no, no it's not horrey....I've got so many other things to finish off in his absence.  

Aren't we all looking forward to Friday with plans for an enjoyable weekend?  Hmmm...let's see.  Yes, and may all our dreams and wishes come true.  
 ..... those days....those carefree days..... 

"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw him,  you are one day closer to the next time you will." 

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