Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Someone will be there with you
When you look across the bright sky
In the clouds, in the birds that fill the air
When you look across the night sky
Full of shining stars and the bright moon
You know that someone will always be there

Whenever you are feeling sad and alone
Cheer up, for someone will always be there
Reach down deep inside of you
For your heart is now someone's home
Someone who will never go away
Someone who shares your laughter, your tears
Your happiness, your sadness

Someone who will always be there
Walking hand in hand, up on cloud number nine
Making dreams a reality .....

"You know you love someone when being together makes you fade away from everything else, even on your worst days"

1 comment:

  1. " Two souls,sharing laughters,good things,bad things.they always keep in touch,what ever happens they never lose their hands together."
