Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Moving on ....

Selamat meneruskan ibadah puasa dan mudah-mudahan puasa kita setakat ini mendapat barakah dan keredhaan Allah swt.

Cita-cita aku nak masak kelmarin tak kesampaian.  Sebabnya by the time balik from terawih at MIL's place dah almost 10.45 pm.  Ada orang kata "I'm schooling tomorrow" and orang tu pulak kata "I'm going to Kerteh taking flight at 6.00".  So we opted to do it on a more free-ier night.  So we just had bread and serunding daging for sahur.  Lepas solat at around 4.55 keluar hantar kakak ke Subang Terminal.  Adik slept all the way in the car.  Tired kot.  Anyway, all done and we arrived home by 5.50 just in time for Fajr prayer and getting ready to office and adik to school.  It was definitely a hectic morning.  Am thankful that I felt much, much better today, syukur alhamdulillah.  Back at work, the same things, just different day.  Complaining will take me nowhere.  Traffic after work for the past few days was terrible.  It was a definite nightmare!  Getting out of KLCC takes us more than an hour.  We left office after Asar and arrived PJ almost 6.45.  Tak boleh la nak complain, sebab everybody pun rushing home about the same time.  Orang lain pun nak buka puasa jugak kan.  Maybe I should just take the train.  Oh no... not during fasting month!  Sebab ramai sangat orang.  Haishh... semua tak kena.  Senang cerita, jadi surirumah lagi senang, orang lain bersusah payah bersesak dalam train, stress dalam kereta sebab jam, kita dok kat rumah.  Dah senang lenang dah, boleh masak satu buku resepi kalau nak.  How nice.  I wish my time will come soon... insyaAllah.

Somebody is sad today.  I had made a promise, so she should be looking forward.  

"Close your eyes, remember the best times, all your pain will go away"

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