Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bits and pieces .....

Another blessed day in this blessed month of Ramadan.  Syukur alhamdulillah.

Arrived home late last night - almost 11.45 pm.  Visited en. hubby's uncle who is critically ill at Hosp. Selayang.  Diagnosed with liver cancer stage 4, already spread to the lungs and both kidneys not functioning anymore.  We were told it could be any time.  He is too weak to undergo any procedure.  And his doctor has decided not to do any procedure on him and just let him be as comfortable as can be.  It is a good thing, at least dia masih sedar walaupun tersangat lemah.  For now, cuma doa saja yang tinggal. Alhamdulillah able to recite Yasin for him, able to hold his cold hands and recite syahadah together.  Half way baca Yasin memang aku sebak.  How time flies. Uncle Agus is one of those wonderful people I met in this life. Someone that I was very close to for the past 30 years.  Ya Allah, Kau ampunkan segala dosa hambaMu ini, diterima segala ibadahnya dan dipermudahkan perjalanannya menuju kepadaMu.  

Back at work.  In the office by 7.45 am.  Dah jadi lambat dah sekarang.  Sebab?  Adik tak rush lagi dah pagi-pagi nak ke sekolah since she no longer kena buat prefect's duty.  Dah handover to form four prefects.  Since dia tak rush, aku lagi la tak rush.  Tu yang jadi lambat.  But I think I need to re-program myself.  I need to be in the office as early as I did before.  Reasons yang tak masuk akal bagi orang lain tapi so applicable to me....  Tak de reason lah, aku cuma syok dapat masuk office paling awal, tu saja.

Anddd...the government is popular again.  Raya bonus for civil servants and pensioners.   Sharing the joy is 1.27 million civil servants and  657,000 pensioners.  Wahh... bestnya.    This contribution maybe meaningful to the low income earners amongst the civil servants, but the high income earners?  Hmmm....  Anyway, TPM kata spend wisely.  So, spend wisely folks!  Those without bonus macam mana?  Dah, jangan menyesak-kan otak berfikir.  Tu dah rezeki sesetengah orang.  Bersangka baik...

The smiling face.  Someone got you through it, right?

"Someone you love will lift the burden, lift the spirits, lift the gloom"

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