Friday, July 6, 2012

Another day in this life...

Syukur alhamdulillah for another day of our life.  And I felt so blessed sebab diberi peluang bangun awal-awal pagi tadi tanpa my usual 5 minutes, 5 minutes.  5 minutes yang selalunya terlajak sakan.  Syukur alhamdulillah.  Lagipun, adik punya alarm bunyi macam  nak pecah gegendang telinga.  Tak sempat nak lullaby, lullaby lagi dah.  Tiba2 aku rasa sungguh bermotivasi.  Ya, walaupun aku tak ada sumber inspirasi, tapi aku berjaya meng-inspire-kan diri aku sendiri.  

And, today aku tertinggal my phone dalam kereta.  Phone tertinggal dari semalam sebenarnya - malas nak keluar ambik bila aku realize.  Dok ingat pagi tadi nak ambik, still lupa.  Yang lecehnya, banyak info dalam tu yang aku perlukan today in order to clear some work.  Haishhh... 

Had a good company for dinner last night.  Best sangat-sangat.  Thank you to "all" my children.  Mummy sayang you "all".  Yessss... ada orang akan kata otherwise!  Kakak, adik - my words before we went to sleep last night - I meant all of it ok, jangan lupa.  Walaupun the words was put as jokes between us, especially the Fatso part - I meant it.  And kakak, I need the pictures for the poem I mentioned earlier, nak bagi dramatic sikit.

In between work - got to go.  Tak baik...

"Life is not a problem to be solved - it is a gift to be enjoyed"


  1. gmbr yg mana?? kat shiok ke ape??

    1. Later tak pe, don't think I can do it today. weekend la kot.
