Friday, February 12, 2010


I owe this to my youngest sister whom i did not manage to offer any birthday tribute like I did to the rest. Her birthday was 4th January. Orang tengah kelam kabut la, cek oi. First day at work lepas cuti lama. Supposed I overlooked that. Anyway, it is never too late.... Here it goes..

Syazlina, born 4th January 1980. When mak gave birth to her, I was already 18 years old. Dapat adik... happy? Hmm... tak tau lah. Dah ramai adik masa tu. To me at that point of time, it was just another addition to the family. No big deal. That was bad of me, I supposed. For the record, mak gave birth to all of us at home. Tak de pergi hospital pun time tu. Cuma for post natal, mak would go to Klinik Kesihatan few kilometers away from home. Our bidan kampung was Mak Lamah. She was the only bidan that we knew. Bila mak sakit that night, ayah went to fetch Mak Lamah. The oldies gathered at home, waiting for the new arrival, macam ada kenduri. We, the girls gathered at one corner, scared tengok mak in pain. Ayah would be up and down fetching whatever was required by Mak Lamah. Finally the baby arrived... hmmm... another girl. That make seven of us, girls in the family. We were all kelam kabut... i remembered ayah asked me and my partner in crime, Haiza to get some lada hitam. Dalam panik dan takut kat ayah, we scrambled into the kitchen and got a few of those so-called lada hitam, or we thought 'lada hitam'. Until we heard ayah jerit "oi, ni bukan lada hitam, ni bijik kabu! Kabu is kekabu. Those days, kekabu kita guna buat bantal. Banyak in my kampung. And yang tak masuk akal, kenapa simpan biji-biji kabu kat dapur, together with rempah ratus lain!. Dah la tu, it looked the same to us yang jarang masuk dapur. Nak-nak masa tengah panik like that. Tengah-tengah malam pulak tu. Walau pun kena marah, we had a good laugh after that.

Back to Syazlina, being the youngest, grew up very attached to ayah and mak. We the elder ones, somehow (nak tak nak) adored her la jugak. Namapun anak bongsu. I left kampung during my college years and later left for work in KL. Still managed to help mak couple of months before I left. The distance, the age gap those days did not help much. We got drifted apart. To her, I was just another big sister that she has. But as the saying goes - blood is thicker than water - along the way as we are all now in the forties, thirties, we got back together. We became close, especially after ayah passed away. Mak is staying with her now. Being the youngest and closest to mak, we saw it that mak is more comfortable with her. Susah nak put in words, but I wish she also know that I love her and will always be there for her.

4th January 2010, she turned 30 years old. Dah dewasa anak bongsu mak and ayah. I wish her the best that life could offer.... all the happiness she could ask for. Semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah swt.

Oppsss.... she has a blog. It's Sounded sentimental, tapi sebenarnya cengei makcik ni! Boleh tanya mak ....

"Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears"

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