Someday... when the kids are grown, life will be different. Memo pad on the refrigerator will no longer read, "pediatrician appointments", "parent-teacher meetings", "tuition", and life full of all sorts of kids' activities.
Someday... when the kids are grown, the house will be free of graffiti. No longer crayoned/pencilled sketches on the walls, furnitures.
Someday... when the kids are grown, we'll get through a whole chapter of an engrossing book without being interrupted with kids' screams, cries & yells for attention.
Someday... when the kids are grown, we'll no longer find unnecessary food leftovers, unnecessary household stuffs in all unnecessary places in the house.
Someday... when the kids are grown, we'll be able to stroll freely down aisle of shopping malls without fear of inadvertently passing the candy or toy sections.
Someday... when the kids are grown, we'll be able to prepare meal without having to worry what kids can or cannot take.
Someday... when the kids are grown, we'll be able to enjoy bath in a hot, steamy water and billows of bubbles for a whole hour without having to worry over scuffles, fights over toys, TV channels and those small voices yelling for "mommy"....
Yes, someday... when the kids are grown, life will be different. They'll leave our nest, and the house will be
and calm....
and empty....
and lonely.
And we will definitely won't like that at all!
And we will spend our time, not looking forward to SOMEDAY, but looking back at YESTERDAY.
"Once upon a memory...
Someone wiped away your tears...
Held you close and loved you ...
- mummy and daddy -"
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