Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday rendevous ....

Was driving back from Nilai yesterday and planning to stop by at Bdr Kinrara to meet up with my sis  and more importantly to solat asar.  From highway, macam terror drive masuk ikut Puchong.  Masih rasa terror, masuk Puchong Perdana.  Dok cari-cari - mana jalan nak ke BK.  Tak jumpa langsung sign-board.  Pusing punya pusing, jam dah almost 6.30 pm.  Thinking that we definitely cannot be in BK in time for asar - we stopped by at a mosque in PP - Masjid AsSalam.  Cantik sungguh sekeliling masjid.  Ada a big tasik, tempat orang jogging sekeliling.  Dalam masjid itself pun cantik.  Tempat wuduk, tempat solat yang selesa.  Dari ruang solat muslimat, nampak scenery yang sungguh menakjubkan, especially that time, matahari hampir terbenam.  Subhanallah...

Lepas solat made our way out, nak balik DD.  Tak jadi singgah BK, sebab tak nak kacau my sis at a wrong time.  Singgah time2 maghrib rumah orang ni rasanya tak la beretika sangat!  Nak ajak tea pun dah lepas tea-time.  Anyway, driving out of Puchong, sekali lagi tersilap jalan.  Masuk ikut Subang, jem giler depan Summit Subang.  At each traffic light  - punya la lama.  Should have waited dekat masjid tadi, senang solat maghrib sekali.  Tapi tak... ingat terror, boleh sampai rumah without a glitch.  Ha, ha, I was definitely proven wrong.  Tak tau kenapa - lately ni selalu tersalah dan tersesat jalan.  Macam baru duduk PJ pulak.  Ishh... bahaya ni.  It must be the age!  Scary...

Lastly sampai DD around 7.40 pm - alhamdulillah.  Ada hati lagi, singgah kedai runcit - beli air botol and daun sup/daun bawang sebab nak kena prepare dinner.  Sepantas cahaya...rushed home.  Selesai solat maghrib, ada 15 mins before isya'.  Lepas isya' turun prepare dinner. Just a simple dinner - roti lapis daging.

Letih sungguh rasanya - kaki macam nak putus.  Rasa macam nak berlunjuq the whole night!  Driving non-stop - daripada tengahari sebenarnya.  Followed my in-laws visiting an aunt in Taman Cahaya SPK.  Around Monterez area.  Shhh.... nak sampai ke situ pun sesat gak.  Was there till almost 2.30 pm.  Lepas solat zohor - we drove off to Nilai.  So, cerita-cerita selepas Nilai tu sepertimana di atas lah.

Pictures taken from ruang solat muslimat Masjid AsSalam, Puchong Perdana.  Cantik pemandangannya... Subhanallah..


  1. It's not the age..KL memang macam tu..roads berpusing2..sape2 pun boleh sesat! :DD

  2. MM, that makes me feel better! The reason why I want to retire in a small town. Tak payah pening2. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. How beautiful pictures of sunset are - in my case of sunrise. For this reason alone I have no regret having a retirement home by the sea, reading and writing with peace and tranquility.
