Thursday, April 29, 2010

Allah knows best ..............

Had been so busy, terribly busy. The organisation is undergoing a massive restructuring. What has it got to do with me? Hmmm.... knock hard on the head to bring out the answer. Yes, it does affect my position in one way or another. In the mean time, I just hope for the best. What I want may not be the best. Kita plan, macam-macam dok ting tong dalam kepala, wishing we get what we want. But at the end of the day, only Allah has the answer - because He knows what is best. Whatever that comes, syukur alhamdulillah....

Long weekend starting esok. Office tutup coz Saturday is a public holiday, so replacement leave is tomorrow. Yay!! At least I can do some banking stuff and pay bills. Income tax baru submit tadi - e-filing. Lega. Ni last minute punya kerja la ni. Bukan apa, saja simpan kot2 before the closing date terjumpa pula bil2 yang boleh digunakan untuk tax exemption. Mana tau. To be honest, tak jumpa apa2pun. Had to submit exactly as was drafted more than a month ago!

My plan for the weekend? Hmmm.... macam-macam. Hubby will be travelling tomorrow to Kuching, balik Sunday. Saturday plan is to go to a small gathering at a friend's place in Sunway Kayangan, insyaallah. Dah lama sungguh tak jumpa this set of friends, kawan-kawan lama masa di ITM Arau. When we were there, campus tu masih dalam hutan kebun getah. Macam2 yang kami lalui dulu. But it was fun. Over the years, these girls selalu jumpa each other, cuma aku selalu tak berpeluang tak join. Insyaallah, I will try to make it this time around. Dengar kata, they all siap nak ada dress code - black and white... ala-ala michael jackson gitu. Ok juga, safe colour...

Visiting mak is out of question this weekend. She will be going back to Alor Star with my sis. Rindu kat rumah dia and her friends, I suppose. Since my sis boleh ambil cuti (finally!), she and the husband dengan rela hati plan dengan mak. Happy dia.... alhamdulillah. But I will miss this sister of mine, miss the free lunch every Sunday! We will meet almost every Sunday for lunch. Selalunya they all belanja, tu yang best. Tak pa la, next time aku belanja... ok, Puan Syahrimi? I will miss their company, that's definite. The chit-chatting, cerita serious, cerita mengarut.

Wish for a good and restful weekend, insyaallah. And wishing all - selamat menyambut hari buruh / hari pekerja. Jadilah pekerja dan buruh yang mithali.... I have been trying to be one, alhamdulillah....

Love this piece. Let share ....

Allah knows what's best for us, so why should we complain
We always want sunshine
But he knows there must be rain
We always want laughter, and the merriment of cheer
But our heart will lose their tenderness, if we never shed a tear
Allah tests us often with sufferings and with sorrows
He tests us not to punish us, but to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened, if they can withstand the storm
And the sharpness of the chisel, gave the marble its grace and form
Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives us
Provided we are patient, is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah's way to make our spirit strong.

"Who-so-ever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him. Every days He has a matter to bring forth [such as giving honor to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc]. {Qur'an 55:29}

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