Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Busy week.... no, it's busy month...

Had been teribbly busy at work. Income Tax month! Just finalised the EA forms preparation for the top management. Due to the 'figures' with so many 'digits', had to be very careful in all calculations. Can't afford to make mistakes! Mati nak menjawab kalau salah. Habis EA, now in the midst of preparing the Borang E (Majikan). Mata pun dah nak buta tengok all the figures. Finishing this, nak prepare for the March remuneration pulak. A non-stop cycle! Planning to take leave this Friday depending on whether I can submit the remuneration pack by tomorrow. Hopefully boleh. Lepas all these nak kena buat self tax declaration pula, self & my other half! This is the scary part... hopefully tak kena tax lagi dah lepas the zakat deduction. The same thing year in year out sebenarnya. The other day I was planning to increase my zakat deduction to reduce tax tapi ni dah bulan March tak buat-buat lagi. Hmmm.... kena paksa diri ni!

Time management.... how good or how bad are we with time management? I am considered bad, sebenarnya. Paksa diri to be on time in all aspects. Hopefully dalam paksa I can train myself to time manage-able. Ha, ha.. dream on. Kelam kabut jadinya most of the time. Got myself some books on time management both at work, at home. Habis baca buku, lagi kelam kabut jadinya! Without the book pun boleh sebenarnya. It's just about training oneself, be committed to whatever laid upon us, be happy with what we do, at home, at work - personal or otherwise. Kerja jangan bertangguh. Kalau bertangguh, tu yang jadi kelam kabut. This is where the rule of life - knowing what counts and what doesn't - applies. Knowing how to compartmentalize things. But, no matter how busy, how hectic life is (especially nowadays!) always leave a little space for oneself each day.... There should be a little space for us, a breather, a time to sit still and do absolutely nothing. Just appreciate the pleasures of being alive.......

Signing off for now.

"The concept of that little space in us - keep it simple, keep it bare, keep it pure."

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