Friday, November 13, 2009

A fresh start

It's been a while since my last posting. Had been busy both at work and home. Busy yang dekat office, biasa lah - year end. Busy yang dekat rumah tu tak tau la sebab apa. Reaches home every night after 9.30 pm and bila dah sampai rumah, rasa macam so much house work yang nak di-buat dan tak terbuat! End up satu kerja pun tak siap. Biasa la kadang-kadang rasa macam superwoman, forgetting yang body and energy dah lama menurun. Anyway, that's life. That's the reason we have to make the best of what's given to us, be it time, energy, health, fun, youth, opportunities, chances. Jangan terlepas pandang semua tu. Life is too short to live the same day twice.
Kalau asyik dwell on the past, pejam celik-pejam celik, time flies, terlepas all opportunies, all chances. Whatever the past was, it's gone. Try to see past as a separate room from the one you live in now. You can go in but you don't live there anymore. Visiting is okay but it isn't home anymore. Home is here now. Tu la dia kita. Kadang-kadang suka with all these past attachments. Suka all these nostalgics things, emotional attachments. Anyway, kenangan-kenangan masa lampau adakalanya okay. Tapi yang tak okaynya, if we're revisiting the past because of regrets, because we can't go back and undo what's done. Kalau nak hang on to guilt, we're only damaging ourself.
The best way is to wake up everyday to a fresh start, make the best of the day, how we want it to be, how it should be, the best it could possibly be.
Talk about all the above, I hope I can also do the best with my life, pada sisa-sisa kehidupan yang tinggal. Apapun, sehingga kini syukur alhamdulillah apa yang telah dikurniakan Allah swt. Cuma harapan agar dapat dipertingkatkan segala amalan.

It's the end of working week.... looking forward to Saturday and Sunday. Boleh rest - body and mind, syukur alhamdulillah. Tapi kerja rumah menanti, oh my god, scary.....

Till next post, have a good weekend.

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