Wednesday, January 20, 2010


In memory of our dear ayah, Allahyarham Hasbullah Hj Shafie who we very sadly lost on 20th January 2004 after just a few days battling with heart failure. Early morning of 20th January 2004 will forever be etched in our memories. The day Allah took him home.... the day ayah return to his Creator. The fear, the sadness, the tears .... we can never forget those moments, those critical moments. The moments when he was slipping away. And there will always be an ache within our hearts that will forever stay.

Ayah, we were in tears when we saw you sinking, when we watched you passed away. Our hearts were totally broken. Yes, we wanted you to stay on, to always be our source of strength. We wanted the doctors to do all they could to make you well again, we asked Allah to allow you to be with us as long as you could. But seeing you sleeping, so peaceful, so free of pain, we knew at that point of time, we had to let you go. Allah knows best.

Ayah, born on 30th November 1936 to a family of five, three sisters and a brother. Chose teaching as a profession at an early age of 19. To be exact, he was registered as a teacher on 16th September 1955. He dedicated his life and time teaching in many schools, as long as I can remember, until he retired at the end of 1991. After retirement he became a fulltime 'pesawah', managing hands-on the few acres of paddy fields belonging to arwah datuk. Yes, we saw it, he had put all his energy and efforts in this new fulltime profession ..... till the end. We were always worried of his health, but the normal "ayah sihat, tak payah risau" statement will come out from him. Raya 2003 was the last 'balik kampung' gathering we had with him. He was already not well then. We made lots of plan with him, for him, but Allah had better plan for sure, no matter how much that hurts. Allah's plan would be the best....

It is impossible to express a man's life of 68 years in these few words, but the gift that ayah had given us, all nine of us, throughout will live on. In all limitations, he did give us the best he could and for that we are thankful. It has been 6 years now, the sadness of losing him is great.... and it still is. Our du'a will always be with him. May Allah blessed him with the best, in the best place... place of warmth and comfort. Al-fatihah.

"When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure."


  1. Al Fatihah.. moga ditempatkan di kalangan org yg solehah.. my father born in 1932 but in IC tulis 1935. Alhamdullilah .. masih sihat

  2. sya - thanks. our doa for all our parents yang still with us dan juga yang dah kembali ke rahmatullah. ameen.

  3. I must leave comments here, Linda. First of all Alfatihah to your dear father. Do you realise that you are like a daughter to mme. The year 1936 was the year I was born! In 1955 your dad joined to be a teacher. That year I ( this other babah of yours ) sat fo my Cambridge School Certificate (Form 5)exam and was sent away to conyinue my study.

    My first child, a girl was born in 1965 - around your d/b too?

    Would you email me so that I can ask you more of your family life. I just feel like doing so for reasons unknown - perhaps I am your father's living image.

    Salaam to you and family
    Pakcik Hassan Almanar

    Your comment box refuses to accept my Google account. So I have to go anonymous
